How To Wash Your Car…It’s Complicated

So do you really need a detailer to wash your car for you? After years of building our mobile auto detailing business here in Edmond, Oklahoma we’ve found that some people LOVE washing their own vehicle, or they just think it’s so simple that they couldn’t possibly pay someone else to do it! As someone who loves to do things themselves… We totally understand the heart cry! Washing your car can be therapeutic and fulfilling, but as detailers… We constantly hear customers underestimate what it takes to tend to their vehicle properly. If you are a do-it yourselfer, we want to give you a few tips that will maximize your car washing abilities here in this short post!

1. Firstly, use real car shampoo! Dawn dish soap had its day, but there are too many great options DESIGNED for car paint available today to cut corners here! The Edmond Oklahoma sun does not play around in the summer time, and if you’re going to have soap dry to the paint.. You want it to be CAR SHAMPOO!

2. Secondly, rinse your wash mitt off in between panels! When you are washing a dirty car, collecting that dirt in your mitt, and dunking it back into your buckets, you’re not rinsing enough dirt off your mitt to SAFELY wash without scratching. Just use a second bucket to rinse the mitt, and you will thank us later!

These two things alone will change your car washing life without a detailer! Sounds weird for a detailer to say right? Well.. that’s because we care about your paint just as much as you do! The truth is, to truly protect your car paint here in Nashville for the long term, there is nothing better than a ceramic coating, but more on that later! Feel free to contact us with any questions!


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